Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stranger Than Science Fiction: GMO's

In todays article we are looking at a serious issue regarding food . I will not deny that  some of the subject matter seems like it belongs in a sci-fi movie. Unfortunately what we are looking at is  true and you are more than likely unbeknownst to you consuming foods that are adversely effecting the environment and possibly your health. We are looking at a controversial subject known as genetically modified organisms.  What is a genetically modified organism ? It is the introduction of genes for a particular trait into the DNA of another organism. It is done to better the receiving organism usually for commercial reasons. An example will be a bacterial gene that produces insecticides can be put into corn to protect the plan from insects or a gene into a plant making in impervious to pesticides that allows extensive spraying without damaging the plant. Another process in agriculture is selective breeding which is genetic manipulation that involves selecting plants or animals for breeding that best display a desired characteristic, and then only using those favored to breed the next generation. Genetic modification involves the artificial addition, depletion or rearrangement of DNA to alter form or function to an organism to achieve the desired characteristic. This is the best quote I have seen on GMO’s it's from Dr. Vandana Shiva “Genetic engineering is a false promise whose high price has been paid by farmers,," she is  an Indian environmental activist and anti-globalization author.  The issues we have with GMO's are there are no long term studies on how the GM foods effect the consumer, no studies on how GM crops effect the environment, the studies we do have show an adverse effect on the consumer, and the need for further studies.  Genetically Modified foods are one of the most important subjects we have to contend with it is a multi layered problem, concerns over the effect on the environment, concerns over the effects on the consumer, the effect the advent of biotechnology has on the agriculture industry, and the last is that genes and organism can be patented.  A disturbing thought that life can be patented, let that one sink in.  One issue that needs to be addressed is the right to know what you're eating, so that we can have the option to make an educated decision. GMO’s have been banned 61 countries including the 28 that make up the European Union. They are already in the food supply much of the corn, soybean, sugar beets and cotton cultivated in the US today contains plants whose DNA was manipulated in labs to resist disease and drought, ward off insects and boost the food supply.  A 2010 survey of over 3000 people finding that 21.4% of respondents found that GM foods were safe to eat, less than half were willing to eat modified meat 38% or fish 35%. A staggering 93.1% believe that GM foods should be labeled to indicate that have been engineered or contain ingredients that have been engineered. In this article we will look at some of the scientific data on this subject, the 1992 study where the FDA did not listen to its own scientists, the effect GMO’s  have on the consumer, and the labeling campaign. This is a massive subject so I will write another article about the agricultural piece, the environmental concerns and life forms being patented. 

In 1992 the FDA performed studies on GMO’s stating that they are generally regarded as safe, this is the basis of why they are not labelled at this time. Internal documents from three of their own scientists expressed doubt and concerns about GM food safety. A February 1992 memo from Louis J Pribyl, PhD a scientist in the FDA’s microbiology group noted “There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering which is just glanced over in this document.” He added “several aspects of gene insertion may be more hazardous than traditional plant crossbreeding.”  Similar concerns were voiced by Linda Kahl, PhD. an FDA compliance officer, noting the lack of scientific data to recognize the safety of GM foods. “ Are we asking the scientific experts to generate the basis for this policy statement in the absence of data?”, She went on to say “there is no data that could quantify risk.” In an October 1991 memo from E.J. Matthews, PhD, of the FDA’s Toxicology group, warned “genetically modified plants could also contain unexpected high concentrations of plant intoxicants.”  We have these memos as the result of a lawsuit form the Alliance for Biointegrity who argued that the FDA violated the US Food, Drug and Cosmetic act which mandates that new food additives be established through testing prior to going to market. A 2000 US District Court found against the plaintiffs and upheld the FDA’s policy.  A 2012 study named Long term toxicity of a roundup herbicide and a round up tolerant genetically modified maize by Seralini GE, Clair E, Mesnage R, Gress S, Defarge N, Malatesta M, Hannequin D, Spiroux De Vendomois J. 1This was a 2 year  study that found that were fed a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM corn or given water containing Roundup at levels permitted in drinking water and GM crops in the US, died earlier than rats fed on a standard diet. They suffered mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage. Researchers also found that NK603 and Roundup both caused similar damage to the rat’s health either consumed separately or together. Females developed mammary tumors and pituitary disorders. Males suffered liver damage, developing tumors in the skin and kidneys as well as issue with their digestive tract. The researchers also found a threshold effect noting that even the lowest doses could be associated with severe health problems. All of the other studies on GM foods concluded after 90 days the researchers in the Seralini study found health problems presented themselves at the 90 day mark. Some may argue that the sample size of rats is to small the reason they did not use a greater number of rats is due to cost multi year rat studies are very expensive and this was done through an independent lab CRIIGEN. The head of the study Seralini is regarded as an authority on studies on the health impact of GMO’s and pesticides. In the least this should be the impetus for more long term studies. 

If you are of the age where your friends are having kids or maybe you have friends that are teachers the subject of food allergies is bound to come up. Why do you think there has been a massive spike in food allergies? A study from the CDC showed an 18% increase in food allergy between 1997 and 2007 between 1992 and 2002 was a period of rapid GM crop development. Specifically GM soy is noted to have a cross-reactivity with peanut allergies 2 meaning that for some people who are allergic to peanuts, consuming soybeans may trigger a reaction. GM soy  was introduced into the US food supply in late 1996 and US peanut allergies doubled from 1997 to 2002. The other troubling issue with GMO is the transfer of the genetically modified DNA of the plant into the human gastrointestinal tract. A January 2004 study named “Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract” Netherwood T, Martin-Orue S, O’Donnell A, Gockling S, Graham J, Mathers J, and Gilbert H. 3 This study found that the human subjects who ate Roundup-Ready soy had a bacteria in the gut with the same gene that was altered in the soy to withstand deadly doses of herbicides given to the crop. BT corn a GM corn that has a gene from a soil bacteria bacillus thuringiensis could also cause an adverse reaction in the gut microflora turning your intestine into toxin manufacturing machines. As you know already I believe that the gut bacteria is one of the most important systems in the body it is responsible for the immune system, digestive system. So a threat to the gut microflora should be taken quite seriously and it is not easy with corn based products in many processed foods. This becomes even more troubling as this gene may be passed down to our children and onto future generations. The issue is that GM crop industry restricts access to its products by independent researchers not allowing for investigation into the effect in humans and animal health. When independent studies are performed the researchers are attacked by the industry and pro-GMO groups and individuals. One of the largest manufacturers of GMO’s in the world is Monsanto they voted to not have GMO’s in their own cafeteria. 

On November 6, 2012 California had the chance to step up and make up for electing the Terminator by passing prop 37 a  measure that would require the labeling food sold to consumers made from plants or animals with genetic material changed in specified ways. Prohibits the marketing of such food, or other processed food as “natural”. But California was turned into the battleground of grass roots activism vs the crushing hand of big business. A group called the Grocery Manufacturers Association said in a statement that it remains opposed to “special mandatory labeling for food products containing genetically modified ingredients because these labels could mislead consumers into believing that ingredients from genetically engineered plants are somehow unsafe or unhealthy in clear contradiction of scientific fact.” this was found in the Helena Bottemiller article “With recent Victories, Movement to Label GMO’s Gains Steam” But I counter with look at cigarettes they have been labeled as deadly for years without a dip in sales. The GMA showed its commitment by contributing $2 million to defeat Prop 37,  $9.2 million went to support prop 37 and $46 million was spent opposing it. The GMA CEO Pam Bailey stated that “ defeating the initiative is GMA’s single highest priority this year.” It is of note that groups like GMA will likely fight labeling in court using the FDA ruling as a backbone of their suit. What is comforting is that Whole Foods is part of the campaign to label, Chipotle has started to label its GM food online, while McDonalds and Starbucks have also adopted GM labeling on their respective menus. The first state to require GMO labeling was Connecticut, then Maine legislation is being introduced in 26 states, so write to your state representatives tell them we need GMO Labeling. Simply put we have the right to know. I have also put a link at the bottom listing the members of Grocery Manufacturers Association, maybe if we vote with our dollars some eyebrows will be raised. 

This has been a lot to convey, probably just as much maybe more to take in. Let the information sink in, do some research on your own become informed. At the very least I hope this sparks thought, conversation and possibly action. We need to become more aware of labels and maybe even start to shop local again. This way we know the farmer by name, can ask him about the crop, the seeds and what he feeds his animals. The idea for the next installment is to interview a farmer to get his take on the effect of GM crops, as well as look at the effect on the environment, farmers in India, and life forms being patented. Thank you for reading and please share this blog. In the next article are looking at the Anti-inflammatory diet, a weekend list is in the works for this week.  

A couple of You-Tube Videos of interest 
GMO Trilogy Part 1 of 5
Genetic Roulette Trailer 

OMG GMO Trailer

1 "Long term toxicity of a roundup herbicide and a round up tolerant genetically modified maize" Seralini GE, Clair E, Mesnage R, Gress S, Defarge N, Malatesta M, Hannequin D, Spiroux De Vendomois J. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012

2 See for example, Scott H. Sicherer et al., "Prevalence of  peanut and tree nut allergy in the United States determined by means of a random  digit dial telephone survey: A 5-year follow-up study," Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, March 2003, vol. 112, n 6, 1203-1207); and Ricki Helm et  al., " Hypoallergenic Foods-Soybeans and Peanuts," Information Systems for Biotechnology News Report, October 1, 2002

3 Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract
Trudy Netherwood1,2, Susana M Martín-Orúe1, Anthony G O'Donnell2, Sally Gockling1,2, Julia Graham1,2, John C Mathers3,4 & Harry J Gilbert1

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