Thursday, March 21, 2013

Detox the Bitch!

We have been exposed to toxins, whether it’s a toxic person, toxic chemicals, toxic food or drink, and simple environmental toxins. In this blog we will address the issue of environmental toxins. Specifically the effect they have on your  body, mind, weight loss and sports performance. Sorry I can’t help remove that toxic person from your life, you need to remove that vampire on your own. The title of this blog came from a good friend giving me a gentle push at a time when I needed it. It really applies because a detox is not necessarily easy, but not impossible either simply put detox your bitch.   

A recent bio-monitoring survey by the CDC which found traces of 212 environmental 
chemicals in Americans - including toxic chemicals like arsenic and cadmium, pesticides, flame retardants and even perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel. As science advances in the detection of these chemical toxins, a second looks is being taken at the quantities of the toxins that affect our health. We can now detect human exposure to parts per trillion or about on twentieth of a drop of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool. This has allowed scientists to see the amount of chemicals we are carrying on our bodies .Some of the modern health crises may have chemical connections such as  diabetes, obesity, autism, attention deficit-hyperactive disorder. The relationship between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high significance in toxicology. The chief criterion regarding the toxicity of a chemical is the dose, i.e. the amount of exposure to the substance. All substances are toxic under the right conditions. The conventional relationship (more exposure equals higher risk) has been challenged in the study of endocrine disruptors.   

Although there are 212 toxins we are concerned with the following six chemicals which everyone has been exposed to and are some of the most hazardous to our health.  

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PDE's these flame retardant chemicals are found in  building materials, electronics, furnishings, motor vehicles, airplanes, plastics, polyurethane foams, and textiles. It accumulates in fat stores, liver, and the kidneys. They have been linked to instances of sexual dysfunction, thyroid issues, and brain disorders.  

Bisphenol A or BPA Invented in 1891, BPA has been used since the 1940s to harden polycarbonate plastics and make epoxy resin, used in the lining of food and drink containers, among other products. Polycarbonates can be identified by the recycling number 7 on the bottom of some plastics containing it. The issue arises as BPA is a synthetic estrogen and the BPA can break down when the plastic is heated or stressed. As the BPA will leach into food and water then entering the human body. The CDC has found BPA ins the urine of 93% of the Americans surveyed.    

Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA is used in the manufacture of Gore-tex and Teflon pans, stain resistant clothing, food packaging, and heat resistant products. Research has shown PFOA contributes to infertility and other reproductive problems, as well as liver and immune system dysfunction.    

Acrylamide a neurotoxin which is a byproduct of cooking carbohydrate foods at high temperatures, such as French fries, fried chicken and coffee. It is also an ingredient in plastics, cosmetics, and water treatment products. Long term exposure to acrylamide has been linked to cancer as well neurological disorders.  

Mercury exposure can come from seafood, polluted air, and "silver" filings. Severe neurological disorders can result from long term toxic loads of mercury.  

Methyl tert-butyl ether MTBE is a gasoline additive has been banned in the U.S., it is still detected in much of the US population. It has been linked to neurological and reproductive problems.  
As you can see the negative affect our health can be far reaching and can manifest in many symptoms.  It can include muscle aches, problems focusing, general chronic pain or fatigue, food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Some of the conditions associated with a high level of toxins are asthma, diabetes, obesity, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, Parkinsonism, bone marrow cancers, and some autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto's Thyroditis. Toxins can come in many delivery systems from food, air and or water. They also include chemicals produced by inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid  per-oxidation, infections, gut flora, and other natural processes.  

What we have all been waiting for .... How to detox the bitch. According to Robert G Silverman DC, Nutritionist and owner of New York ChiroCare PC in White Plains, NY Detoxification has three essential components which are:  
-Reducing the amount of incoming toxins (elimination diet) 
-Providing nutritional support to the GI tract and liver 
-Providing support during toxin elimination by balancing enzyme reactions, maintaining proper urinary pH, and stimulating production of metallothionein 

We can reduce our incoming toxins by switching to chemical free products such as soaps detergent, cleaning products, etc. You can also take off your shoes when you come home to avoid tracking toxins into your home. Another way is to switch to stainless steel or glass containers for drinking and avoid plastics for storing food. Store food in non plastic containers and never microwave food in plastic containers. Around 40% of all foods in the US have measurable pesticide residues that we consume without knowing it. This includes produce and coffee which is one of the most sprayed foods. In order to reduce our exposure to the pesticides is to switch to organic coffee, and choose organic produce. Especially with celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, bell peppers, spinach, cherries, kale or collard greens, potatoes, and imported grapes. These are some of the most contaminated products according to Dr. Silverman. Also buy free range hormone free, and antibiotic free meat, eggs, and dairy whenever possible. Fresh cold water fish is healthier than farm raised fish. 

Now onto nutritional support to the GI Tract and the liver, it is suggested that this be a multifaceted approach. The first step is to use well researched nutrients, vitamins and herbs to balance and support the detoxification pathways. Specifically Dr. Silverman recommends the use of medical foods, medical foods are regulated by the FDA they are specifically formulated to treat specific diseases. As such they can make disease specific claims, which are upheld by medical based evidence.  Also they must by used under a physicians supervision. The specific support for the GI tract is two fold, as the GI tract is the first detoxification barrier against chemical compounds that are foreign to the human body. We use low allergen rice proteins and medium chain triglycerides derived from milk fat, pal and coconut oil to boost metabolism. This allows for the clearance of allergens that may have been contributing to impaired toxin clearance .The proteins and MCT oils will come in a powdered form allowing for it to be taken as a shake. 

Next stop on the toxin removal train is the liver, this is the home for all the fat soluble toxins that are transported from the intestine.  While in the live they undergo two phases of detoxification that convert them into water soluble compounds. They go to either the liver and leave as urine or go to the gall bladder and exit as feces.  The liver is supported by nutrients and antioxidants .So while detoxing a comprehensive including vitamins A, C, E, and a broad spectrum of B vitamins helps to neutralize these compound according to Dr. Silverman.

While you are eliminating the toxins your body needs help as it is screaming get out to the BPA, PDE’s and the acrylamide. The excretion of the toxins is helped by our pH balance in the urine. Increased urine alkalinity will stimulate the elimination of the toxins out of the body. Also the lower pH supports renal excretion of bioformed toxins and decreased kidney reabsorption of the toxins.  One of the proteins that helps with heavy metal detoxification is Metallothinien when the heavy metals are absent it will transport zinc and copper. However it can bind to some toxic metals and transport them to the liver and kidneys. This prevents the reaction of toxic metals with other molecules. Metallothinien production can be stimulated by a high alkaline diet. 

The goal of the detox is increased health, response to treatment or training, increased range of motion and decreased muscle spasm.   I have done several detoxes in my life and they have been difficult but well worth the effort. If you plan on doing one speak to your treating physician to see if you are healthy enough. If you are in the tri-state area, I strongly suggest you look up Dr. Robert Silverman at NY ChiroCare. 
Check out the helpful links below:

 Dr. Robert Silverman

Local Harvest